Featured Profile

Description: Torchie is our Ablaze Care Group Leader and though is 28 years old he is still very much young at heart and very passionate about his work

I am working as an accountant in a fashion industry where we purchase most of our stocks from overseas. I am exposed to foreign exhange regularly as it is part of my job. Three months ago, I made a payment to pay off our European supplier. I was suppose to use our Euro banck account to pay off, but instead I used our Australian Dollars account. As a result, we make a loss due to the foreign exchange difference. When I realised it the following day, I had a choice to admit my mistake to my superior straight away. I then remembered three days ago, one of my colleagues had made a mistake in sales, my superior scolded him for 15 mintues. I prayed before the Lord for courage and strength to stand up to tell the truth. With fear and trembling, I informed my superior the incident and how material the consequene was. In my heart, I decided to pay back the loss for the company if it was required. Unexpectedly, my superior was calm and he said he would settle the situation with the bank.
After communicating with the bank, unfortunately the situation could not be reversed as it was due to my carelessness. The company had to suffer the loss and I felt very guilty.
Two weeks later, a bank representative called up and said due to this incident, they had done a review on our bank records. The bank would like to offer a cheaper rate of loan facilities to us. It would save us thousands of dollars per year. As I received the letter of offer, I forwared it to my superior. He was delighted with the outcome and he joked I should have had make more mistakes.
I know that God is in control of this situation and He has turned the whole situation around. i want to conclude by encouraging everyone with this verse, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6